Introducing PLANTuncle

Going on Vacay? Away on business for weeks, months, or...? 

Well, HPB has you covered. We now offer PLANTuncle and PLANTYauntie (depending on who your primary plant relative will be) where our team of talented, knowledgeable and trustworthy caretakers visit your home, apartment, office, houseboat or cabin in the woods (scary) and care for your plant babies. No longer do you have to trust your brother/sister/cousin/BFF/BF/GF or your neighbor Bob to water and deal with any plant problems. We do that for you and we won't raid your liquor cabinet, or put our feet up on your $378 West Elm coffee table while we order a movie on your amazon account.

How does it work you ask? Well good question..!

You let us know when you will be gone and we schedule an uncle or auntie to your account. They visit your home and you meet and discuss your plants and your care instructions. We take notes and pix and create a dossier for plant care. You arrange with your building security/ to provide us with a key and access. 

Your uncle or auntie then shows up at a pre-arranged time to provide care to your plants. You have each others contact info via text. We text you on entry and exit. If an issue with a plant arises, we text you our care actions. We are there for ya. 

PLANTuncle for Your Office/Corporate Space

That's correct, your PLANTuncle can also visit your corporate office space, restaurant, hotel, or well, anywhere. 

We offer plant leasing and maintenance programs for your space. We guarantee the plants we place will be beautiful and healthy and if anything goes wrong, we swap them out for a happier one. 

Where Do Our Uncles and Aunties Visit

Baltimore City

Baltimore County

Washington DC and it's many suburbs



Care begins at $30 per visit depending on location and the extent of your plant collection. 

For more information or to schedule a consultation

Click here

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